Now Available on Amazon and the TABLELAND PRESS Store!
Praise for Driftwood
“Driftwood gave me a new perspective on healing.”
“I felt like I was with the author through all the ups and downs.”
by Martha Craig
Driftwood is a refreshing, honest, and resilient portrayal of Martha Craig’s life through poetry. The collection is for those who feel lost and broken, like salvaged wood that has been drifting through the ocean of community’s expectations. Whether you have a mental health journey of your own, or know of someone else walking through theirs, Driftwood gives voice to grief and loss that carries the reader to a place of faith, hope, and encouragement so desperately needed.
The eBook is available now on Amazon for $7.99.
The paperback and hardback are available now on the Tableland Press Store.
On Amazon, the paperback and hardback will be available soon.
Praise for Drawing for All Ages!
“A very informative book for someone who doesn’t know how to draw.”
Drawing for All Ages
by Wakie Trudeau McBride
This How-to-Draw book is for ages nine through eighteen, but anyone who wants to learn to draw will find the book helpful. The book includes instructions with the illustrations, as well as several paintings by the author.
Drawing for All Ages will be available in coil-bound, paperback, and Kindle ebook. It also will be on Kindle Unlimited.
The coil-bound and paperback are available in the Tableland Press Store.
The paperback and the Kindle ebook are available on Amazon.
Please note: The paintings will be in color in the coil-bound and the Kindle ebook. The paintings will be in grayscale in the paperback.
Our Books
Seeing the Sun behind the Clouds
by Lacy Bernett Padgett and Betty Hendricks Padgett
“This is an interesting memoir of a man of great faith, a man of science, an Air Force veteran, a man with many talents who shared those gifts to help others wherever he lived.”
Now I Know His Name
by Frankie Willingham Wyatt
“Reading it is like being on the China journey for Jesus Christ. Hard to put the book down.”
Old Man Preacher Willingham
by Frankie Willingham Wyatt and Margaret Sorensen
“A mighty God raises mighty men, and a mighty man was ‘Old Man Preacher Willingham.’ Read the book and receive a blessing.”
Our Authors
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