“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
Old Man Preacher Willingham: His Life and Legacy
by Frankie Willingham Wyatt and Margaret Sorensen
His mother died. He was snatched from his dad. In a life marked by trauma, could he find faith and a heart full of God’s love?
1914. Wesley Frank Willingham was determined to get away. After the aunt and uncle who kidnapped and raised him as their own passed, the twelve-year-old boy endured the married couple who grudgingly took him in, only to beat him brutally. And despite being severely injured and unwell, he acted on the chance to escape in the night.
Finding safety with a kind and loving family, Wesley spent years learning life and farming skills until a revival meeting led him to Jesus. Ignited, he dedicated the rest of his days to sharing the Good News and serving others.
In a deep dive into a man who overcame hardship and abuse, his daughter Frankie Willingham Wyatt and co-author Margaret Sorensen trace his humble beginnings as a stolen baby through a difficult youth and into a career as a born-again witness. Seeing Wesley’s love for God transform him and experiencing his testimony of hope and purpose will light a path for readers in their own journey with the Lord.
Old Man Preacher Willingham is a moving Christian biography written as an endearing memorial. If you like real-world stories, inspirational accounts, and feel-good examples, then you’ll adore Frankie Willingham Wyatt and Margaret Sorensen’s heartwarming tale of redemption and faith.
Read Old Man Preacher Willingham to go from survival to salvation today!
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Reviews for Old Man Preacher Willingham
“I loved it! Brought back so many memories of my own dad. I pray that this book touches many lives. To God be the Glory!” —Kathi
“Just finished your book at 1:05 a.m. Wanted you to know that I truly love Old Man Preacher Willingham. Surely wish I could have REALLY known him, but somehow I feel that I do.” —Mary C.
“Such a wonderful tribute to your father. Job well done!” —Dru T.
“A mighty God raises mighty men, and a mighty man was ‘Old Man Preacher Willingham.’ Read the book and receive a blessing.” —Ernie T.
“Frankie’s love for her father is evident as she shares his unfortunate childhood. Preacher Willingham endured great trauma. I was blessed to read that he was able to forgive and serve God with joy.” —Sara C.
About the Authors
Frankie Willingham Wyatt lived most of her married life in California. She and her husband, Cecil, had four beautiful children: three girls and one son, who are all serving God and actively involved in their individual churches. Frankie and Cecil retired in 1992 to Picayune, Mississippi. Five years later, her husband went home to be with his Heavenly Father.
Margaret Sorensen
Margaret Sorensen was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. She and her husband live in Virginia with their one daughter.
She is part of the library team at her church. She enjoys studying God's Word through Bible Study Fellowship.
Old Man Preacher Willingham
by Frankie Willingham Wyatt and Margaret Sorensen
Q&A with Frankie Willingham Wyatt
What prompted you to write the book Old Man Preacher Willingham? It was a book that needed to be written. People need to understand that times were hard in the early 1900s, and there were situations with a lot of abuse. God will bring you through a lot of things, once you rely on Him.
Why would people be interested in reading this book? To understand that no matter how difficult things get, you can always get through them. Never give up!