“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’”
Now I Know His Name: My Joys, Struggles, and Discoveries While Living in China
by Frankie Willingham Wyatt
After the death of her husband, sixty-two-year-old Frankie Wyatt wondered what to do next in her life. God had a plan: He was going to send her to China.
Frankie Willingham Wyatt had heard of the need of the Chinese people to hear about Jesus Christ. After she and her husband, Cecil, retired to Picayune, Mississippi, Cecil became seriously ill and was ultimately called to his heavenly home. Now alone, Frankie prayed for God’s direction in her life. God pointed her to China, and Frankie stepped out in faith.
Reissued with an epilogue and a new cover, Now I Know His Name shows what it is like to be a missionary in a foreign country. Most of Frankie’s time in China was spent teaching English in both public and private schools. She had difficulty learning Chinese, but God’s love bridged the language barrier.
Truly able to laugh at herself, Frankie shares many enlightening stories with humor and compassion. God used her in a mighty way to lead numerous people to salvation through Jesus Christ. She made many new friends who now call her “Mom” or “Grandma.” With God’s help, Frankie made a difference in the lives of countless individuals.
Based on emails that Frankie sent home, this book recounts her adventures and experiences in China. It is like reading a missionary letter written specifically to you.
Order your copy today!
Reviews for Now I Know His Name
“Buy Frankie’s book and read it. You will not want to put it down.” —Beverly M.
"Frankie introduced God to a lot of Chinese, and they felt His power and mercy. My wife . . . knew God from Frankie and accepted Him as her Savior. At our wedding day in 2015, I was emotional and touchable by God in church when listening to the songs that praised the Lord. After the wedding ceremony, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. . . . Thanks for your sharing, Ms. Frankie.” —Valerian
“Your book is touching my heart in ways you can’t imagine. Thank you for the continued inspiration to share about our Jesus. He loves us so much.” —Linda B.
“Frankie, I just finished reading your book. What a light for Christ you are. Thank you so much for writing your story. Will share my book with others.” —Mary C.
“I could hardly put it down! . . . I especially like the story that you chose the name of the book from. . . . Thanks for writing the book and sharing stories of the amazing God we serve!” —Carol G.
“Reading it is like being on the China journey for Jesus Christ. Hard to put the book down.” —Bonnie W.
“Frankie, unfortunately I just finished your book. I say ‘unfortunately’ because I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to hear more! What a blessing to share your work for God’s glory.” —Dru T.
“Frankie tells many fascinating experiences throughout her time in China. She was able to reach many and help them find life in Jesus. One young lady expressed joy when she exclaimed, ‘Now I know His name!’“ —Sara C.
About the Author
Frankie Willingham Wyatt lived most of her married life in California. She and her husband, Cecil, had four beautiful children: three girls and one son, who are all serving God and actively involved in their individual churches. Frankie and Cecil retired in 1992 to Picayune, Mississippi. Five years later, her husband went home to be with his Heavenly Father.
Now I Know His Name
by Frankie Willingham Wyatt
Q&A with Frankie Willingham Wyatt
What prompted you to write the book Now I Know His Name? My good friend Betty Padgett encouraged me to write of my experiences in China, and the Lord told me, “Yes, you can.”
Who would be interested in reading this book? Anyone interested in missions and sharing the love of God with others, even at home.