Most of you are aware that C. S. Lewis was a great Christian apologist. But how did he become such a strong defender of Christianity? What shaped his life and thinking? The movie The Most Reluctant Convert answers those questions.
Read More“Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.”
If you like Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis (or any of his other works), you will like Mere Evangelism: 10 Insights from C. S. Lewis to Help You Share Your Faith by Randy Newman.
Read MoreEach day brings us closer to the events in the book of Revelation, and Satan is increasing his attacks against Christians. The book Spiritual Warfare in the End Times by Ron Rhodes will show you how to stand firm against the schemes of the devil and his demons.
Read MoreI would like to introduce you to a fiction series set in the American frontier in the mid 1800s. Published by Covenant Books, each book in the series has the title A Father’s Love, and the books are distinguished from one another by a different subtitle. The author, Jean Defreese Moore, is a talented painter, and her artwork is on the covers of her books. The first book introduces the reader to Travis, a strong man both physically and spiritually. His close relationship with God sustains him through many trials and troubles.
Read MoreThe Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is one of my favorite movies. It stars Gavin MacLeod, Jansen Panettiere, and Robert Guillaume.
Read MoreHave you been trying to live the Christian life in your own strength? It doesn’t work. But there is a better way. Let God’s power work in you to transform your life.
Read MoreDo you struggle with wrong thoughts and attitudes? You don’t have to give in to them. You have a choice.
Read MoreAre you facing a crisis? Are you in the middle of a difficult situation? Do you see no way out?
The book The Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan will help you focus on God and His ability to handle the situation. The author teaches ten rules or guidelines that God taught him from Exodus 13:17—15:21.
Read MoreI would like to introduce you to two children’s series written by Marsha Hubler. They are Keystone Stables and Tommi Pockets. Appropriate for children ten years and older, these series of books are very well written and are full of godly wisdom.
Read MoreThere are many things to look for in a self-publishing service company. Here is one of them:
Do they use a “nonexclusive” contract?
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