
Blog by Margaret Sorensen, owner of TABLELAND PRESS, LLC.

Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
— Psalm 100:3

A Christian Classic Well Worth Reading

Recently, I reread The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. I know it is an older book, but its truths are very applicable and needed in today’s world.

The Pilgrim’s Progress is a Christian allegory that is told in two parts. The first part tells the story of Christian’s journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Christian’s burden falls away when he gets to the cross where Jesus took the punishment for the sins of the world. Along the path, Christian meets people who help him on his journey, such as Evangelist, Faithful, and Hopeful. He also meets others who try to lead him off the correct path, such as Mr. Worldly Wiseman, Mistrust, and The Flatterer.

The second part chronicles the journey of Christian’s wife, Christiana, and their four sons as they too become pilgrims along the path to the Celestial City. A neighbor, Mercy, goes with them, and Mr. Greatheart is their guide for much of their journey.

This book made a profound impact on Western culture, giving us familiar phrases, such as “Slough of Despond,” “Vanity Fair,” and “Giant Despair.” Many authors have been influenced by the book, making references to it in their works.

Don’t let the fact that the book is not divided into chapters deter you from reading it. The formatting is different from what we are used to, but the book is filled with spiritual truths that will bless you in your own pilgrimage to heaven and the New Jerusalem.

The book is filled with scripture, quoted by the different characters. Each time you read this book, you will find some spiritual application for your own life. What impressed me the most this time is the importance of knowing what the Bible says so that false teachers will not lead you to stray from the path. The book is well worth reading again. I highly recommend it.

There are many copies of The Pilgrim’s Progress to choose from. Be sure to research which of the publications would be best for you.

Margaret Sorensen